Friday, December 28, 2012

Just do it...

 “Inaction breeds doubt and fear.  Action breeds confidence and courage.  If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.  Go out and get busy.” ~ Dale Carnegie

If you are inspired by quotes, I encourage you to visit this site.  I find that inspirational quotes tap into certain places that I either bury or struggle to tap into myself.  Possibly there are realities about myself that are difficult to face or that I feel that I am a failure or inadequate...but there is something about reading 'snippits' from those that I respect - have heard of - or even find questionable that makes me thoughtful.

I am a conundrum when it comes to action.  I am a woman/business person/employee/wife/mom of action - and will coach/counsel others to be likewise....but still I am haunted by those places in my life where I find myself practicing the most mundane 'avoidance behaviors'.  Reading Dale Carnegie's words tapped into the reality of my inaction - it is fear.

I live my life by faith but I can acknowledge that I have fear.  How polar opposite fear and faith truly are and how we swing with the pendulum between the two.  In the business world I would liken faith to confidence.  When I am confident I am in action - moving forward - making decisions and interacting with colleagues and clients.  I am not deterred by objection and can easily share my reasoning and perspective.  I enjoy what I am engaged in even if it is difficult and challenging.  When I am confident - I am an early adopter, a leader, a force...

On those days where I find myself procrastinating and avoiding, I am keenly aware of my situation and often acknowledge it... but more often than not  find myself at the end of the day still not having moved through it.  I will not have written that blog post, will not have worked on that project, will not have organized my office, will not have reached out to that client... not because of a laziness but because of the fear.

Our 'fears' are personal and my fear may be different from yours.  What if no one reads my blog posts?  Who am I to be giving advice and why would anyone care what I write or think?  Why bother working on that project - no one will move it forward and I won't get credit.  If I peer deeply into my finances will I be afraid of what I see?  All of those questions can cause me to stall - to avoid - to move and not be active.

So Carnegie says to 'Go and get busy...'. Nike says to 'Just do it!'...sounds like you and I are not the only ones that struggle with our fears.  My advice to you is to find your inner inspiration and 'inner talk'
that will get you through ...some that work for me are - I am not the only one who has fears - everyone has their own stuff to deal with - most people in both my personal and business life are so busy with their own agenda and they aren't focused on my faults and inadequacies - I don't need to be perfect, no one else is - this too will pass - and a favorite that I stole from my then 'teenage daughter' 'I am a good person and I do good things...'

The moral of the story is that we all have times of inaction and there is no magic bullet that will help us move through it.  If we plan on 'doing it tomorrow' I can guarantee that tomorrow will never come.  Inaction just gives you time to think about it... action gives you focus...

Find your inspiration - your inner coach- acknowledge and get past your fear... and Go out and get busy.” - 

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