Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fear & Success...

On the heels of my post yesterday about 'inaction'...I found it interesting that my entrepreneurial spouse came home from the gym (albeit his 'second home') and talked about a new word that he had coined.  As they were at the gym speculating the increase of attendance into the month of January (hmmm I was thinking about going myself...)... he mentioned that all of those that are creating their fitness New Years Resolutions would be called Resolutionists -

 One of my favorite websites being Addicted 2 Success - I happened to stumble upon the Top 10 Fears article referenced above.  This article takes our previous discussion to an even more thoughtful level - identifying and detailing the top fears as:

  1. Failure
  2. Death
  3. Rejection
  4. Ridicule
  5. Loneliness
  6. Misery
  7. Disappointment
  8. Pain
  9. The 'Unknown'
  10. Losing your Freedom
If you are a repeating 'resolutionist'...or are thinking about being a resolutionist for the very first time... this is worth the read.  If you have been a 'budding entrepreneur' ...but never able to make the move... perhaps you will gain some perspective on your 'inaction'...

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